Stall Sites Terms and Conditions

Stalls and Layout

Hunterville Huntaway Festival have the sole discretion whether to accept your registration and they are under no obligation to give any reason for their refusal. Hunterville huntaway festival decision shall be final.

Stall layout will be at the discretion of Hunterville Huntaway Festival and will be designed in the best interests of the festival and main sponsors. A site plan will be emailed to all stallholders one week prior to the event.

The location of your stall shall be determined by Hunterville huntaway Festival at its sole discretion.

Applications will be considered on the first come first serve basis, however, ensuring a broad range of stalls are available. The Applicant must specify all goods being sold. No subletting or sharing of stalls is permitted, unless approved. You must ensure all products sold at the festival are true to your product description on the registration form.

A stall shall comprise of an area as laid out by the organisers unless agreed in confirmed booking; each stall holder shall be responsible to provide his/her own necessaries to operate from there; shelter, tables etc. Gazebos will need heavy weights and ropes, for each corner of your gazebo in the event of high winds and/or rain.

Power is not available for any site. Generators may be used but must not exceed 60dB.

Please consider any aspects of your stall, e.g.: crowd gathering, accessing to site, noise etc that may infringe on other stallholders and the flow of the festival. If we are notified, we can work with you to try and accommodate these issues. Spill over room (room outside your site allocation) may be assigned to you with prior agreement with Hunterville Huntaway Festival. In such a case you will be located in an appropriate site for this purpose. If no agreement has been
made you must adhere to your allocated site size.

Each stallholder shall keep the stall clean, tidy and hygienic at all times and shall remove all rubbish off site at the close of the Event.

Stallholders must not sell or promote any items that have an age restriction or are prohibited by law. No alcohol, tobacco or other restricted and dangerous products are to be sold at the Event.
Hunterville Huntaway Festival reserves the right to restrict and/or prohibit the sale or promotion of any items.


Vehicles will not be allowed in the festival site except for unloading product and display material between 8am and 9:30am before the Event is open to the public, and for loading between 4pm and 5pm after the festival is closed to the public, except if Hunterville Huntaway Festival otherwise agree well in advance. There are a limited number of sites that can accommodate a vehicle. If your vehicle fits behind your site, you will be able to leave it there,
otherwise it will need to be parked outside of road closers.

Traders shall remove their vehicles from the public thoroughfares immediately after unloading.
Vehicles must be loaded/unloaded immediately, and not left unattended in the public thoroughfares. The servicing of customers is prohibited whilst loading/unloading..

Health and Safety

In accordance with the new Health and Safety Legislation:
All Stalls are responsible for producing their own Health and Safety Plan to ensure hazards are identified and eliminated or minimised.

Items to be included, but not limited to, are:

• Trip Hazards
• Falling Hazards
• Gas Bottles
• Cooking or Heating Equipment
• Electrical Cords and Equipment
• Weather hazards such as wind

Vendors will take all reasonable steps to provide a safe environment and to ensure their own and safety of others. The event organiser will not be responsible for any injury incurred to Vendors or any other person as a consequence of Vendor activities. All hazards identified by any Vendor at the Festival must be reported to the event organiser so that appropriate action can be taken. Any acts or omissions by the Vendor, which endanger the health and safety of
any person/s, may result in removal from the festival.

All Vendors selling food at the festival must take all necessary precautions to keep food safe, especially to reduce food contamination and help prevent food poisoning. This involves wearing hats, washing hands, storing food at right temperature, covering food once cooked etc. All food stalls at the event may be subject to inspection by MDC Environmental Health staff. The event organiser has liaised with MDC to confirm a full list of Vendors at the Parade. to you, you’ll receive a gift credit for the value of your return. Once the returned item is received, a gift certificate will be mailed to you.

If the item wasn’t marked as a gift when purchased, or the gift giver had the order shipped to themselves to give to you later, we will send a refund to the gift giver and they will find out about your return.

Below is our emergency Plan & location map. Please familiarize yourself with them.



The first priority in the event of an emergency is for the safety of all people present 

Call 111 immediately for Fire, Police, Ambulance Provide  

your name, location 

Clearly state the number of people injured Remain calm  

and, on the phone, 

Event staff to clear people from emergency zone and assemble at evacuation point 

Once under control radio or phone management: 027 4366995 

St Johns ambulance onsite is onsite during event. 

Shemozzle Location: 

Hunterville township, Bruce street

AED (Defib) location

Hunterville Vet club Ramp  

Police station 

Fire station

Fire extinguisher location

Hunterville Huntaway Festival – Office  

Hunterville town Hall 

Behind Bar Marquee

First aid kit location

St Johns onsite 

Hunterville Huntaway Festival – Office

Further event guidelines for equipment deemed a hazard. 

All electrical equipment and leads 

  • must have a current certification tag on them 
Gas (LPG bottles) and fire risk 

Due to the new Health and Safety guideline for operating LPG gas in public event space, all  food Stallholders must adhere to the following guidelines: 

  • Stallholders must not have more than 2 x 9kg LPG gas tanks per stall space. • No BBQs and/or cooking appliances, e.g. boiling pot, open flames, vessels with hot oil, are to  be placed at the front of the stall or where they are accessible to the public. • No charcoal or wood BBQs are permitted at the Event. 
Any stalls using gas cookers or gas BBQs 
  • All Gas bottles must be certified 
  • Must ensure their LPG gas tank is not stored directly under any open flame, gas cooker or gas  BBQ. 
  • Must only operate gas cookers or gas BBQs in the allocated cooking zone within their stall  layout. 
  • Must ensure that their equipment is safe and place a protective cover between the table and  cooker. 
  • Must have a FIRE BLANKET at their stall. 

Any Stallholder operating unsafe LPG gas tank or equipment will result in immediate closure  of stall and potential fines or prosecution under the current legislation. 

Appointed gas fitters will be inspecting sites regularly to ensure Stallholders are operating within  the safety standard. Stalls not complying with the gas and fire risk guidelines may be CLOSED  down and/or banned from attending future events organised by Hunterville huntaway festival. 

Food Safety 

All Food Stallholders must ensure they adhere to all food and safety handling requirements as  per the Manawatu District Council regulations. Further details pertaining to this can be found on  Manawatu District Council website 

Waste Management 

Waste Management is a very serious issue and a breach of these conditions will result in  serious consequences including an immediate closure of your stall and potential fines or  prosecution under current bylaws. 

All waste liquids (fat, dirty water, oil etc.) must be disposed appropriately Waste liquids must not  be tipped on the ground or down drains. 

Stallholders are responsible for the removal of all rubbish from their site


Each stallholder shall deal with all participants, members of the public and the event staff at the  Event with politeness and respect, must not use offensive language and will not to be embroiled  in argument or behaviour likely to disrupt any activity at the Event or to bring the Event in  disrepute. 

Stallholders must ensure that people working at their stall site follow the terms and conditions  outlined in this agreement. Stallholders are responsible and liable for the actions of their staff,  workers and volunteers. 

Any person(s) behaving in a disorderly or disruptive manner will be asked to leave the  event immediately. 

Liability and Insurance 

Insurance cover for loss or damage caused to your goods or property at the festival is your  responsibility. You are encouraged to obtain suitable product liability coverage. 

Hunterville Huntaway Festival, its contractors and volunteers are not responsible for any loss or damage to your goods. You indemnify Hunterville Huntaway Festival for any  expenses, loss or damage incurred or suffered by Hunterville Huntaway Festival as a  result of your actions or breaches of these Terms and Conditions. 


A refund for a stallholder’s cancellation will only be available up to six weeks prior to the event  date. 

There will be no refund of the stall fee in the case of a Stallholder cancelling their stall after the deadline stipulated above, or for Hunterville Huntaway Festival immediately closing the Stallholders stall in accordance with this Agreement. 

There will be no refund in case of a Stallholder not claiming or operating from their stall on the  day of the Event. 

There is no guarantee of volume of sales or public attendance and no refund will be made due  to poor sales because of weather or lack of public attendance. 


Hunterville Huntaway Festival has the sole discretion to cancel the Event. 

In the event of cancellation, Hunterville Huntaway Festival will endeavour to contact all Stallholders in a timely manner. Information outlining such a situation will be posted on our Facebook page. If the cancellation is prior to six weeks of the event a full refund shall be given.

In the event of cancellation by Hunterville Huntaway Festival a full refund will be given.

There is no rain date. Festival will take place rain, hail or shine! 

Should the event be cancelled due to an extreme natural or manmade disaster prior to the  event there will be no refund. 


Under no circumstances shall Hunterville Huntaway Festival make good or accept any responsibility or liability: 

  1. for any damage or theft or loss of any property, goods, articles, or things brought into or left upon any part of the event venue by the Stallholder or by anyone on his/her behalf; 
  2. for any financial or other loss suffered by a Stallholder as a result of participation in the Event or due to the cancellation of the Event or due to poor crowd participation at the Event.  No refund shall be made to any stall holder for failure to utilise the located stall or for its poor  performance whether caused by bad weather or lack of crowd participation or for any other  reason whatsoever. 

Variations to information 

The event organiser reserves the right to: 

  • Vary the conditions and key dates if required. 
  • Reallocate stall sites as necessary. 

Information is correct at the time of the agreement. 

By submitting your stall site application, you confirm that you have read, fully understand and agree to the following:  

  • The information contained in this Agreement and agree to abide by the terms and  conditions outlined in this Agreement. 
  • Our Health safety policy. 
  • Event Emergency Procedures.
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